Thursday 27 October 2011

Letter to President of India REJECTING objections to the performance of Hon Shri Salman Khurshid's play The Sons of Babur


Madam President

It has come to my attention that some Hindu organisations have decided to protest the performance of the Hon Shri Salman Khurshid's play, The Sons of Babur.

These so-called Hindu organisations are creating huge disrespect for our religions, philosophies and cultures by their mean-mindedness and incompetence.

What do I mean by "incompetence"? While they do of course have every right to protest, that right is valid only if they know what they are protesting against.

But have any of them seen the performance of the play in Goa? Not so far as I can work out from the information that I have been bombarded with....

Have any of them read the text of the play? No, they have not read it (again, as far as I am informed by them).

So what are they protesting against? They don't know what they are protesting against! They are protesting simply for the sake of protesting!

They would simply like to oppose everything that is, in their definition, "not Hindu".

Of course that fits in with their agenda of trying to create a spirituality of hatred.

But that is not Hindu.

At least in the understanding of this Hindu.

Yours respectfully

Professor Prabhu Guptara
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